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Origami hakken
Origami prototypes and works-in-process created by Paul S. Hoffman


        Thank you  for  visiting my website!

Its purpose is not so much to showcase completed origami models, as  to provide a place where I can post folded creations that are on their way to becoming so. (One can hope.)


This is generally not what you see on most origamists' websites. They tend to  showcase finished models (original and otherwise) that have been skillfully folded  and artfully displayed. I've visited a number of these sites and take a great deal of pleasure seeing how other folders continue to ensure Origami retains its traditional charm while deftly pushing (or perhaps creasing?) the boundaries of this remarkable craft.

But here? Nothing polished (yet). I'm looking for feedback, observations, insight, and suggestions from those wishing to share their experience and encouragement in creating "new" models--as you see the initial forms in which mine appear.

Happy folding to all!  Paul S. Hoffman

"All you need is a piece of foldable paper and an idea in mind, and sooner or later something delightful will evolve."            Robert Harbin

Origami Hakken--Copyright © 2023 Paul S. Hoffman  All rights reserved.

Last updated: 1/2023

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