Origami Hakken
Being A Part of the Fold...
I started folding paper in elementary school and (figuratively) never stopped.
Now, a few decades later (and them some), it's resulted in...
...a lot of folding; pouring over Origami books; collecting them, practice; mistakes; wishing currency was available in blank squares; lost bone folders; hating crimps; subsequently loving crimps; fun opportunities to teach others; experimenting with folding fabric (I recommend it); experimenting with folding sheets of copper (I really don't recommend it); a few sketchbooks containing original Origami mask diagrams that need more refinement before I self-publish somehting; marveling at the growing complexity and different visions expressed in a new generation of origamists; continuing to appreciate M.C. Escher (a tessellation enthusiast if ever there was one); constant reminders of how much there is yet to learn; cherishing my not so gracefully aging hardbound copy of Secrets of Origami; occasionally visiting online origami forums; writing a paper in graduate school on paper-folding resources; enduring gratitude to Akira Yoshizawa; under-utilizing wet folding (shame on me); still hesitating to venture into the world of "super-complex" models; teaching myself Inkscape so I can end the tedious fun of diagramming by hand...and wondering if there's anything the Miura fold can't do.
Oh, and I love photography, too. (Click the link below to see some of my work.)